30 March 2022

How to upload ads.txt file in Blogger

How to create, upload or set up an ads.txt file in Blogger which is crucial to your AdSense earnings

Google AdSense warning

Earnings at risk - You need to fix some ads.txt file issues to avoid severe impact to your revenue. Fix now.

To prevent severe impact to your revenue, copy and paste the following line into each ads.txt file: (line to be copied follows).

How to set up and ads.txt file and upload it in Blogger

First of all, you don't need to create a "file" the way you would in Windows, for example. However, not knowing this beforehand, it took me quite a while to find instructions that were simple enough for me to understand and execute successfully. The steps below are from Google Support.

If your blog is monetized with third-party providers or you’ve manually integrated AdSense in your blog, you need to manually set up the content of the ads.txt file.

  1. Sign in to Blogger.
  2. In the top left, choose the blog you want to set up.
  3. From the menu on the left, click Settings.
  4. Under "Monetization," turn on Enable custom ads.txt.
  5. Click Custom ads.txt.
  6. Copy the settings* from your third-party monetization provider and paste them in the text box. (*This is the line that AdSense instructed me to copy and paste in the ads.txt file.)
  7. Click Save.

Tip: To check the content of your ads.txt file, go to http://<your blog address>/ads.txt.

The above is from Google Support except for the line within the parentheses which is mine.


I'm only sharing what has helped me but I'm not an expert so follow the above instructions at your own risk. Good luck!

24 March 2022

How to arrange blogger gadgets or widgets in Android or iOS

Solved: Blogger gadgets or widgets can't be moved or rearranged in Android or iOS

There's a trick to be able to "click and drag" Blogger gadgets or widgets using a web browser in Android or iOS: install Puffin Web Browser from Google Playstore.

Puffin Web Browser

After installing Puffin Web Browser, open it and click on the the three vertical dots on the top right corner. The drop down menu will show a "Mouse" feature which you can turn on. Watch the video below to see how it works.

Credit to the video owner

Blogger app

About the Blogger app from Google Playstore: it's only for making new posts or editing existing ones. If you want to make changes to the layout and access more Blogger features, you need to use the web version.

Disclaimer: I'm only sharing a tip that helped me. I'm not an expert so follow the above instructions at your own risk.

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