13 August 2016

10 Wishes for President Duterte

Ten wishes for the Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte.

10. May he have a long and blessed life.

9. May we all be united with him in his brave and decisive fight against corruption, especially among government officials.

8. May he be blessed for understanding – and really doing something – about the common Filipino's daily needs just to survive.

7. May he always love the poor and marginalized, who are the majority in this country, and continue leading those with means in reaching out to give them practical help.

6. May he understand that words are as dangerous as a gun. May his advisers remind him to think before speaking so that he will not have to often take back what he says and lose credibility in the long (or short) run. May his advisers advise him well so that they don't have to spend so much time doing damage control after he speaks publicly.

5. May he be a truly uniting leader and not create more divisions among Filipinos. May he listen to the Filipinos' voice as to why they are protesting against having Ferdinand Marcos buried in the Libingan ng mga Bayani. The President is the nation's father. Disregarding the suffering that the Martial Law victims suffered and what their families continue to suffer is disregarding the Filipino nation's history and values.

4. May he truly be able to significantly curb the drug problem in the Philippines without having to go above the law.

3. May he understand that a leader can be strong, decisive and effective without resorting to directly or indirectly encouraging a culture of violence through street justice.

2. May he realize that life is not avenged by taking another life. Violence is not resolved by violence. May he understand that the number of those who are victimized by drug addicts, drug pushers, and drug suppliers does not justify the increasing number of drug-related suspects who are being killed every day without a chance for due process.

1. May God always bless him with peace of mind and heart despite the pressures and demands of his responsibilities as President of the country.

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